Issue Number:TSR-205
Phase: Design
Decommissioning Process Transport/Storing/Storage (including Wastes containing Alpha Nuclides originating from Fuels)
Investigation Subject Maintaining stabilized condition
Issue Criticality control


① Maintaining the subcriticality status of fuel debris

Desired state and reasons for it

In order to maintain the subcriticality status of fuel debris during transport, storing and storage, it is necessary to investigate criticality scenarios and perform criticality management by monitoring and with a criticality detection system.

Current state against ideal

It is planned that the retrieved fuel debris is stored in a canister that can maintain the subcritical state, and stored appropriately.

Issues to be resolved

Considering fuel debris properties obtained from the outcomes of the experimental retrieval, etc., it is necessary to investigate the on-site applicability of the subcriticality maintaining scenario from the viewpoint of the operational constraints assumed in the fuel debris retrieval work and storing process, etc.

Relevant Issues


Please note that this English text is a provisional translation of the Japanese original.